My Life. My Loves. My Store.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Overcoming Obstacles

"Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable. "
Coco Chanel
So yesterday I blogged about the obstacles I have been facing recently in developing my business, Designs By Mandi Boutique.  Today I'm going to share with you some of the ways that I deal with these obstacles. 
#1.  Research
Research, research, research! I'm the queen of teaching myself how to do new things.  If I don't know the answer, or protocol for something google becomes my best friend as I try to find out the answers I need.  I have researched everything about starting your own business, because honestly, I knew nothing about it when I started this adventure.  Sure I had some entrepreneur classes in college, but its not like I really paid attention in any of them!  Research is the key for me to overcome my obstacles, because learning and educating yourself is essential for survival in the business world.
#2. Inspiration
For me, Coco Channel is a huge inspiration to me.  I remember the first time I saw her biography on the history channel - I was literally moved to tears. (This was also the moment I knew that fashion was in my blood.  It was destined to be a part of me, and always will be.)  I could feel her passion, triumphs and tribulations. Coco was an orphan raised by nuns, who opened a hat boutique in her 20's. She then eventually started sewing her own clothing, and ta-da, an Empire was born.  So when I'm feeling a little down, and my confidence is starting to fade I always remember dear Coco. If Coco had obstacles and hardships, then we ALL will!  Sometimes I'll even go online and watch the biography, or head to the library to read more about her.  There's something about Coco's spirit that puts me to ease, and makes me realize - I can do this!
#3. Role Models
People who have "been there, done that" can help a lot. Although my mom doesn't have her own business, she is a fantastic business woman.  She is always giving me new ideas, and tips she has learned from being in the business world.  I would probably be a mess without her! My marketing boss at my "job that pays the bills" is also a good role model.  He has been in the marketing field for years, and has taught me a lot. I also look up to a lot of my blogger friends who have their own businesses. 
#4. Believing in Yourself
When things are though, sometimes it can get really hard to keep believing in yourself.  I have learned that a positive outlook on everything in life is essential to be successful and happy.  When I get down in the dumps, or I'm losing confidence in myself, it helps me to take a look at how far you have come in my life.

 Growing up I was not a very good student.  They tested me for learning disabilities, and I was constantly having to go to special reading and math groups and tutors. I didn't made the honor roll like the other kids, and my horrendous fourth grade teacher used to torment me by making me do long division on the board in front of the whole class, until I started crying. (Funny now, considering I LOVE to read and I'm basically my own accountant with DBMB.)  Eventually I started gaining confidence in myself, and I just started learning "my way." (I'm visual, and back then the schools I went to did not teach in a way that was easy for me to learn).  A lot of the reason I made it through, was my dad.  He pushed me, spent countless hours at the dinning room table helping me with math equations, and told me that if I put my mind to something I could do it.  Once I started believing this, things changed drastically.  I got into college, moved hundreds of miles away from my home, met new people, and became myself.  I've truly come a long way, and I still have a long way to go to complete my dreams and goals in life. During this process, I've come to the conclusion that sometimes, remembering the past can give you strength to take the future by the horns and run with it.

Until tomorrow, xoxo.

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