My Life. My Loves. My Store.

Friday, June 18, 2010

like mother,

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm pretty obsessed with my Jack Russell, Izzy.  Izzy is four and I've had her since she was about two months old.  Shes been the most loyal friend I've ever had and really is like my child.  We have both literally grown up together, learned life lessons, and gone through hardships. 

Izzy is quite stubborn at times.  Sometimes when shes doing something "bad" I have to tell her five times to stop before she will actually listen to me.  This made me think about the similarities between Izzy's personality and my own. (Haha)  Sometimes I think she got her personality from me.  We are both outgoing but guarded. We are clumsy, energetic, and love to have fun and play.  We both love to spend time outside, exercise, and snuggle.  We are also both very stubborn, and will do something even when people say we shouldn't or can't.  Most importantly, we both have huge hearts.

I've heard that dogs and owners sometimes look similar (which is not really the case with me and Iz) but I haven't really read anything about dogs and their owners having the same personality characteristics.  Although, when I started to think about it, I seem to be finding it true in cases other than myself and Izzy.  My boyfriend and his dog act very similarly, (very sweet and laid back) and my brother and our blonde lab Sarge have some of the same personality characteristics as well. (Not liking change)

Hmm.. any thoughts?

Just for fun, here are some pics I found of owners and their dogs that really do look alike :)  I wonder how their personalities match up?

(This one is too cute!)


  1. Izzy... what a lovely name...!! and the look alike pictures are funny and cool...:-)

    Have a great weekend Mandi

  2. Izzy is so cute...and the pictures you selected as well :-)

    Cheers: Evi
