My Life. My Loves. My Store.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Designs by Mandi Packaging!

Packaging, especially for an online business, is very important.  I've done a lot of brainstorming and research on effective presentation for packaging, and branding, and I've finally narrowed down DBMB's packaging techniques. I experimented a little bit last night..take a look! :)

Merchandise bought will be wrapped up in tissue paper.  I bought this roll thinking it was a bright pink, but it turned out to be this lighter shade. (Grr)  I might also use black tissue paper, but if I do that, I'll be using a pink bow. Tissue paper gives a nice touch, and also helps keep the piece you are shipping protected.

Wrapped and tied..
I like it because it looks like your opening a present when your jewelry arrives!

Can't forget the business card! This is important for branding and marketing.


The finished product will then be wrapped and secured in bubble wrap for more protection and then shipped right to you! (For FREE I might add - all shipping will be free to my customers. Woo hoo!)

Thanks for reading!


  1. That looks GREAT, Mandi...What stuff can we buy from you?? :o)

  2. Wow that looks so awesome Mandi! waiting for the launch of the website!!!
    Underneath His Wrapping
