My Life. My Loves. My Store.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fashion Survey :)

A to Z Fashion Survey

A What accessories do you wear everyday?
- Stud in my left ear (cartilage)
- Belly button ring
Other than that, I mix it up a lot.

B What is your beauty routine?
1. Neutrogena face wash
2. Revlon foundation (its seriously the best- even better than MAC for me.)
3. MAC bronzer
4. Some sort of eyeshadow, coordinating with whatever I'm wearing, and always mascara.

C What was the last item of clothing (for yourself) that you purchased?
     I found a pair of  Seven's at TJ Max that fit perfectly. LOVE.
D Do you use a dresser, closet, or both?
Two closets, and a dresser. Yes.. two closets...
E What type of earrings are in your ears right now? Silver hoops.
F What type of figure do you have? Athletic-ish
G Do you wear glasses? Sometimes- I really need new ones. I'm thinking some cute artsy square frames.
H What type of handbag do you carry? It changes a lot depending on what I'm wearing. Usually my go to bag is a black hobo with gold details.
I What is your ideal style? I love casual/trendy items with a light feminine touch. I wear a lot of jeans and vests, but I love to "girly" them up with lots of jewelry and a great pair of pumps.

J What is your favorite brand of jeans? I loooove jeans. The ones that actually fit me the best are Sevens and Joe's. Every once in a while I'll find a good pair of True Religions that fit OK, but that's about it.
K Do you wear knee-high stockings? Nah
L Do you *have* to wear matching lingerie? Don't have to, but I like to.
M Do you wear makeup? yep
N Do you wear nightgowns? No.
O What outerwear do you put on when going out on a typical winter's day? Well, since moving from NC last year back to Ohio, I've had to add to my outerwear wardrobe quite a bit.  My favorite are my down white Guess coat on realllly cold days, but I also love my brown peacoat, and navy trench.

P What is your favorite perfume? Idole d'Armani - love the smell, and its not too expensive.
Q Is your motto "quality over quantity" when it comes to clothing and accessories? It depends. I'm not into spending a fortune on things unless they are staples and are going to last a long time.  When it comes to accessories, I usually don't spend too much money if they are really trendy.
R Do you wear rain boots? I love my pink and black rain boots!
S Do you wear socks or slippers when your feet get cold? I've always had some sort of "fluffy" slippers. They look goofy but I love them. So comfy :)

T Do you have a set of travel luggage? Yep - had to with all the flights from NC to Ohio the last couple of years!
U What is your daily uniform? Depends on what I'm doing.  If I'm working from home I'm pretty much in sweats all day. If I'm out and about for work, I'm wearing something business casual. If I'm going out- usually jeans and pumps, or a cute dress.
V If you are married, did you wear a veil with your wedding dress? Not married..but probably wont wear one when I do. Maybe a chic hair piece like the one below though.

W Do you wear a watch? Not usually.
X What excellent item of clothing always makes you feel beautiful? A great dress
Y What is your favorite type of yarn/fabric? Cashmere hands down
Z Do you prefer zippers or buttons? Both- why not.


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